Disruptive Equity Education Project (DEEP)

The Disruptive Equity Education Project (DEEP) is a professional development and strategy organization that is focused on the intentional, developmental, and complex work that is associated with changing mindsets around equity and dismantling systemic oppression and racism.

  • Engaging homepage design featuring a dynamic hero section video on autoplay
  • A services page that displays a large amount of content in an easy-to-digest fashion
  • Press page highlighting articles that DEEP have been featured in to display this organization’s credibility
  • 17 Hats integration that makes it easy for the DEEP to keep up with client inquiries from the Contact page
  • Client testimonials sprinkled throughout the website + a separate testimonials page that shows off all of their client’s success stories

Brittany did a FA.BU.LOUS job on revamping our website. She was easy to wor with, flawless in her execution, and easily took our visioning ideas and made them into reality. I love showing off our new website to people. Brittany is a pleasure to work with.

Core Pages

Click each page for an adjustable zoomed-in view.

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