Turn Your Website Into a Conversion Machine With These 5 Copywriting Hacks

If you’re a website owner (or even working on becoming one), chances are that you’re familiar with the age-old struggle of turning site visitors into super fans and customers.

In most cases, a website’s design isn’t the problem; it’s the content on it. Copywriting can be what makes or breaks a site from getting a visitor to engage and ultimately turn them into a customer/client.

Since you may be like me and are crunched for time, I’ll share 5 actionable ways that’ll have your website converting like a smooth-talking charmer at a fancy gala. So, let’s get into it.

Speak Your Dream Customer’s Language

Picture this: You’re at a party, and someone starts telling you about astrophysics. You might nod and smile, but you’re secretly thinking, “I just came for the snacks.” Well, websites can be like that party guest… talking away in a language visitors can’t understand.

This is one of those turn-offs that website owners don’t even think about. You finally manage to get all of your content on your site just to have it ignored because you’re sharing a TON about what it is that your brand does.

The fix? Speak their language! Create copy that’s relevant to them, concisely using words and phrases that your target audience can instantly click with.

If you’re selling handmade beaded anklets, you don’t need to drop knowledge of the ins and outs of bead quality (unless you’re writing a blog about it). You can say something like, “Wear our handcrafted anklets, featuring beads that are curated with love.” Easy day.

Attract Your Visitors with Scannable Content

Okay, so here’s a little secret: people read online like they’re speed-dating. They scan, skip, and only stick around if something piques their interest. This means that your website’s content should read like a captivating page-turner.

Use these little hacks to make your website’s content an easy read:

  • Use attractive headlines, bullet points, numbered lists, and headings to break up the text.
  • Whitespace is your friend. Weave it strategically between your content’s headings, paragraphs, and other website elements to make your copy easier on the eyes.

Craft an Engaging Call to Action

Think of your Call to Action (CTA) button as the small but mighty superhero of your website. It’s got one job: to get your visitor to take action on your website that leads to a possible conversion. But being too pushy or unclear with it won’t get you anywhere.

Instead, be sure your CTA really engages with your visitor. Make it a conversation starter. Instead of the usual “Buy Now,” try “Let’s Make Magic Happen!” or “Get Started on Your Journey!” The more fascinating the button, the more likely your visitor will want to click it.

I mean, who’s not into magic or exciting journeys?

Tell a Story That Tugs at Heartstrings

Who doesn’t love a good story? So, tell one! On your website, dive a bit into the journey of your brand, the problems you’ve solved, and the delighted customers you’ve served along the way. Paint a glowing picture of success, and let your visitors imagine themselves in that story.

Here’s an example: if you’re selling a project management online course, talk about how one of your students went from a “Stressed-out and overwhelmed business owner” to a “Getting all-the-things-done goal-getter”. People get inspired by transformation stories, and they’ll be ready to start their own when they see it’s possible!

Cast Out Jargon to the Shadow Realm

Jargon is that evil and super-sneaky villain in the world of conversion that seems to creep in effortlessly in content. It’s that mysterious language that only people in your industry understand, leaving your visitors feeling like outsiders at a secret club meeting.

No one likes feeling left out so ditch the jargon NOW.

When writing your web copy, pretend that you’re explaining your offerings (services and/or products) to your grandma or better yet, a five-year-old. Use simple, straightforward language that anyone can understand. The more your visitors can relate to your content’s words, the more likely they are to trust you and take action.

And that’s all I’ve got! So, to sum things up, with these 5 tools in your website copywriting toolbox, your site will be equipped to attract, engage, and convince visitors to hang out a little longer.

And that’s what you should always strive for on your website. The longer that a user is on it, the more likely they’re thinking of or about to take action on it. One that leads to a conversion for you! Though mastering website copywriting is an art, anyone can use this guide to quickly improve their site’s content.

If you’re struggling in this area, then no worries. Go ahead and book a design consult with me or if you’re ready to dive right into your DIY website project, book a coaching session.

Picture of Hey there, I'm Brittany. 👋🏾

Hey there, I'm Brittany. 👋🏾

I'm all about helping creatives and small businesses stand out and grow their brands confidently online. Interested in getting your dream website launched? Or does your current site need support from a web design nerd and expert? Let's work together; learn more about my services today!

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Picture of Hey there, I'm Brittany. 👋🏾

Hey there, I'm Brittany. 👋🏾

I'm all about helping creatives and small businesses stand out and grow their brands confidently online. Interested in getting your dream website launched? Or does your current site need support from a web design nerd and expert? Let's work together; learn more about my services today!

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